“Good fences make good neighbors.”— Robert Frost


Although Robert Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall,” may actually question the need for a wall or fence at all, if you have ever lived next door to a neighbor with a deteriorating fence (or owned one yourself) you know what a chore it can be to maintain and how easily it can strain otherwise friendly relationships.

That’s why Castle & Cooke uses maintenance-free vinyl fencing rather than wood fencing for all our new homes. Not only for its appearance, but also for the value it adds to the investment you’ve made in your home. A brand new wood fence may be lovely at first, but its life span is highly dependent upon how well it is protected from harsh weather, pests, fungus and decay. And who wants to deal with that kind of maintenance year after year? Maintenance-free vinyl fencing has no such issues, and can last decades compared to wood fencing that is prone to more rapid deterioration. Vinyl fencing has a beautiful, clean appearance that doesn’t get gray or discolored like regular wood fencing. Although it may cost a little more initially, maintenance-free vinyl fencing provides a greater return on investment and adds more value to your home.

And after all, quality and value are what Castle & Cooke homes are all about.

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