Vinyl Fencing vs. Wood Fencing

Vinyl Fencing vs. Wood Fencing

It’s not something at the top of most people’s list of things to consider when buying a new home, but
the differences between wood and vinyl fencing are substantial. In almost all respects, vinyl fences
come out on top as a sound investment.

In the summer heat of Bakersfield, the look and feel of vinyl fencing is a natural winner. Because of
the almost constant need for watering our landscaping a wooden fence, when not treated properly,
fades and has a white, washed out look that is not very appealing. Vinyl, on the other hand, is far less
prone to fading.

When it comes to maintenance, a vinyl fence simply needs a quick rinse with a hose now and then
to wash away loose dust and dirt. Compare that to wood fencing that frequently needs pressure
washing, scraping, wire-brushing, sealing and staining or painting. The time and cost associated with
maintaining a wood fence can be substantial.

As for longevity, vinyl fencing is designed for durability and will outlive wood fencing. In fact, most
quality vinyl fencing comes with an extensive warranty; in many cases a lifetime warranty. Because
wood is a natural product, pharmacy no prescription decay is always a concern. Even treated wood will eventually end up with
rot. Wood is also more susceptible to a harsh outdoor environment than a PVC product.

While a wood fence might appear cheaper in the beginning, after just a year or two any difference
in cost between wood and vinyl fencing is quickly erased. The bottom line is, over the long haul, the
appearance of your home will be greatly enhanced and the time and cost of maintenance will be greatly
reduced by choosing vinyl fencing. Your home is one of your most cherished possessions; surrounding
it with vinyl fencing just makes sense.


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